Reducing Injuries: How Kinetic Wearables Protect Reliance Delivery Drivers

Learn why the fast-moving Reliance Delivery team chose Kinetic to protect their delivery service drivers.

Industry: Parcel delivery

Insurance: Kinetic Policyholder

Location: San Antonio, TX

Technology: Reflex Wearable Devices

At a glance

Reliance Delivery drivers make an average of 200 stops per day. Repetitive movements such as stepping up and down, climbing stairs, and lifting packages can pose a high risk of injuries. It's critical to their business that drivers remain injury-free to keep them on the road and ensure packages are delivered. Since adopting Kinetic's technology, Reliance Delivery has seen a dramatic decrease in workplace injuries.

"Safety matters in our line of work. It's what keeps our business thriving."

Michael Moreno


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