Does Your Current Workers’ Comp Help You Prevent Injuries? Ours Does.
Kinetic pairs every policy with cutting-edge technology and advanced data analytics to reduce workplace injuries by up to 60%.
Fewer Workplace Injuries Mean a Decrease in Workers’ Comp Claims - and That Saves Your Company Money
Kinetic has saved thousands of frontline workers from injury by including our safety tech with every workers’ comp policy at no additional cost.
Your workers’ compensation insurance is part of an integrated program focused on:
Injury Prediction
Injury Prevention
Injury Management
Fewer workplace injuries mean a reduction in workers’ comp claims and lower annual premiums. And who doesn’t want to save money on their workers’ comp insurance?
Nationwide is on our side
Feel confident knowing that every Kinetic workers’ comp policy is backed by Nationwide and comes with their best-in-class claims handling and access to their easy-to-use online portal for billing history and payments.
Companies Preventing Injuries with Kinetic
3D Video Gallery Slider
A module for auto playing videos. It's all about autoplay on hover. Can play any video from HubSpot, YouTube, Vimeo & Google Drive share.